Blue China Orchid
Cyanicula gemmata
Winter Spider Orchid
Caladenia drummondii
Fire Orchids
Pyrorchis nigricans
Nigricans is one of the many species of orchids which produce fleshy underground tubers
and were much sought after by Aborigines as food.
Favoured were the tuberous sun orchids (Thelymitra), greenhoods (Pterostylis) and leek orchids (Prasophylum).
Little Laughing Leek Orchids
Prasophyllum gracile
Dragon Orchid
Caladenia barbarossa
Blue Lady
*Incoming pollen for the stigma.
Clubbed Spider Orchids
Caladenia longiclavata
Curled-tongue Shell Orchid
Pterostylis rogersii
Orchids have evolved to attract, deceive, mimic and manipulate insects in order to maximize the possibility of fertilization. Many don't offer a food reward.
Little Pink Fairy
Caladenia reptans
Slender Sun Orchid
Thelymitra vulgaris
Beard Orchid
Calochilus stramenicola
Frog Greenhood
Pterostylis sargentii
Helmet Orchids
Corybas recurvus
Helmet Orchids
Corybas recurvus