(Mouse-over the image)
Elbow Orchid
Spiculaea ciliata
Tall Leek Orchids
Prasophyllum elatum
Pink Candy Orchids
Caladenia hirta ssp. rosea
"Each orchid species has its own characteristic form and colour. They represent the pinnacle of evolutionary co-operation between animals and plants." - David Attenborough
Bronze Leek Orchids
Prasophyllum giganteum
Crimson Spider Orchids
Caladenia footeana
Star Orchid
Thelymitra magnifica
According to Darwin’s Origin of Species,
it is not the strongest of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
Common Spider Orchid
Caladenia vulgata
Purple Pansy Orchids
Diuris longifolia
Sugar Candy Orchid
Caladenia hirta
Shirt Orchid
Thelymitra campanulata
Winter Donkey Orchids
Diuris brumalis
Hairy Rufous Greenhood
Pterostylis ciliata
Epiblema grandiflorum
Pygmy Orchid
Corunastylis tepperi
Pygmy Orchid
Corunastylis tepperi